Sunday, January 17, 2016

Essentially Yours...

In a world of virtual realities, undying plastic, avatars and digital makeovers, what exactly is real? The search for authenticity is a need that our bodies know and battle with daily! When we put petrochemical and synthetic stuff into our bodies, our organs put in a lot of extra effort. They have to work on overtime to decipher what is real and good for us and what needs to be discarded. They can't do claims or get double pay!

So it is a real treat when we go back to basics and give our bodies something unmasked, natural and therapeutic grade! We can be on embrace instead of defense mode. Our bodies can be more trusting and less taxed by not having to constantly sort through the huge pile of rubbish for a few drops of comfort.

Essential oils are the closest thing you can get to Mother Nature, life essence, in a bottle. It's like a hug that protects you from the fake world out there. As all forms of life are equipped with intelligent ways to adapt and balance us,  essential oils know what to do with toxins, flow to where they are needed, adapt to biochemical processes and environments, unlock our emotional challenges,  and refresh us in ways our electrons can fully understand.

Plants are earth's protective clothes. And when we put their life essence on us, we have an extra universal cloak that is equipped for survival on this planet. We are given natural remedies through our green allies. They are essential gifts! Our timeless fragrant pharmacy that is never a put on when we put them on!

Essential oils, being carriers of life, need the best quality, ingredients, process and intentions to be their real authentic self. They are meant to be unadulterated and their purpose goes beyond the scent. When choosing essential oils, go therapeutic grade which is faithful to their original source. When they are diluted, their biochemical nature can be tampered with and their benefits go down the drain.

Choose wisely and be very discerning. Young Living Essential Oils are THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF CHOICE. They have the highest grade of commitment from seed to seal. It is the best value for your money. Their life-giving benefits are immersed in purpose to share and put this power back into our hands so we can be custodians of our own wellness.

Be committed to wellness. Yours and your beloveds. You deserve the best sanctuary that houses your own essential self. Get in touch and join us in unbottling this goodness! It's as simple as Pop & Drop, Smell & Tell. Your body will hear you and thank you loud and clear.

Essentially yours,

Maria Regina 
i <3 Oilmighty